We are committed to being a good neighbour to the local communities in which we work and operate.

Over the course of the project, our community relations team will keep people informed of our works, respond quickly to any queries and help support local good causes and the environment.

EGL1 Community Benefit Fund

EGL1 is one of the first three electricity transmission projects in the UK to be given a dedicated Community Benefit Fund.

The £8 million fund will support local communities in England and Scotland to deliver social, environmental and economic benefits, and will be split evenly between the two regions.

We want to ensure that communities gain the maximum possible benefit from this fund. We will therefore start by actively engaging with local communities and representatives, to ensure that programmes respond to local needs and maximimise benefits for local communities and the wider regions.

As a business regulated by Ofgem, we must deliver best value for consumers and the communities we serve. We will be transparent in our approach, reporting on the impacts that our funding delivers.

This engagement, along with forthcoming government guidance on community benefit, will help to shape our strategy for delivering community benefit.

You can register for updates on our Community Benefit Fund progress using the form below:
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